The NOA 200 club

Is a small lottery that raises funds for the Norfolk Ornithologists’ Association, primarily helping to cover staff costs which the Association could not otherwise meet.  The Club holds 4 draws a year, each draw offering a first prize of up to £250 plus a minimum of 5 other cash prizes. Tickets cost £24 for a year giving 4 chances to win a prize, and can be paid for by standing order or by cheque. Please support the work of the NOA by joining the 200 Club.  You can view download and print an application form here.

NOA 200 CLUB LOTTERY: April 2023 Draw

Drawn on 25th  April 2023, number of shares in the draw: 169

The results are as follows :

Share No. Name Prize
1st Prize 206 M Quarrington £250
2nd Prize 185 A Quarrington £125
3rd Prize 200 J Quarrington £50
4th Prize – 1 232 I&J Doble £25
4th Prize – 2 3 R Archer £25
4th Prize – 3 4 L Smith £25

Congratulations to the winners and many thanks to everyone who has purchased shares. The next draw will be made in July 2023

Why not enter yourself or give a loved one membership of the 200 club? Not only are you supporting the work of the NOA but also giving yourself, a friend or relative 4 chances to win a cash prize. You can choose either a Christmas themed certificate or a generic one. Tickets cost £24.00 each and may be paid for either by bank transfer or by cheque.

You can view, download and print a gift membership application form here and a standard application form for yourself here.

If you have any queries or need any assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact Ann Smith, our Promoter and Administrator, either by email , or drop her a line:  Ann Smith, 5 Mercedes Avenue, Hunstanton, PE36 5EJ