Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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4th February 2025

Norfolk Ornithologists Association - NOA

A lovely sunny, but breezy day at the Observatory today. There was a good number of Lapwing and Golden Plover on the marsh. There was no sign of the Cattle Egret at Redwell today. The sea was quiet, with 2 Great Crested Grebe, 3 Red-breasted Merganser and 3 Eider as well as the usual Common, Black-headed and Herring Gulls. Sanderling, Oystercatcher and a Bar-tailed Godwit were feeding on the beach on the falling tide.


Norfolk Slav Grebe Hickling Broad NWT still 1.22pm from viewpoint c52.7399,1.5843

Norfolk 2.Long-tailed Ducks (1w.drk +fem) Cley NWT still on sea off beach car park at 12.24pm c52.9651,1.0483

Norfolk 85.Russian White-fronted Geese Holkham Freshmarsh still from Joe Jordan Hide 52.9713,0.7990

Norfolk 24.Lesser White-fronted Geese (7.colour-ringed from Swedish reintroduction scheme) Snettisham Coastal Park still at south end of Ken Hill Marshes in field from track at 11.49am c52.8735,0.4525

Norfolk 22.Snow Buntings Snettisham Coastal Park on beach near west end of Beach Road at 11.58am c52.8742,0.4462

Norfolk Black-necked Grebe Welney WWT still from Main Observatory. Bewick’s Swan from Friends Hide 52.5278,0.2775

Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Whitlingham Ctry Park still at Great Broad on north side west of hide at 10.45am c52.6228,1.3366

Norfolk Slav Grebe Hickling Broad NWT still from viewpoint at 10.23am c52.7399,1.5843