Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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31st January 2025

Snow Bunting Ben Rackstraw

A cold and drizzley day at the observatory. On the sea today was 4 Cormorant, 14 Red-breasted Merganser, 1 Common Scoter, 4 Eider, 2 Brent Geese, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 10 Black-headed Gull, 1 Common Gull, 9 Herring Gull and 3 Great Black-backed Gull. Thirty-one Snow Bunting were on the beach near Gore Point. One drake Pintail was from hide 1. A Stoat was seen running along the footpath.


Norfolk probable Ring-necked Duck drk Welney WWT from Lyle Hide tho distant 52.5332,0.2814

Norfolk Water Pipit Titchwell RSPB still on freshmarsh. Long-tailed Duck still on sea +2.Velvet Scoters c52.9692,0.6068

Norfolk 6.Shorelarks NE of Old Hunstanton still on shingle ridge at 12.15pm (+31.Snow Buntings still) c52.9606,0.5107

Norfolk 5.Bewick’s Swans Ingham still 52.7865,1.5369

Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Whitlingham Ctry Park still at Great Broad on north side at 10.49am +1w.Caspian Gull still +fem.Scaup c52.6237,1.3366

Norfolk 24.Lesser White-fronted Geese (7.colour-ringed from Swedish reintroduction scheme) Snettisham Coastal Park still at Ken Hill Marshes from bank opposite Snettisham Beach Chip Shop at 10.25am 52.8735,0.4525

Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv NE of Old Hunstanton still on beach c52.9653,0.5150