Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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28th January 2025

Wood Oysterling Fungi

A much milder and less windy day for a change with heavy rain showers throughout the day. Although we often hear Water Rail most days here, they are very difficult to actually see, so it was nice to get good views of one moving between the reeds. A Weasel was also seen running across the path. Good numbers of Pochard and Tufted Duck were on the Broadwater. A group of c15 Grey Plover flew overhead in the afternoon. Some Wood Oysterling (Deconica horizontalis) fungi were found growing on rope.


Norfolk 2.Long-tailed Ducks Cley NWT still on sea off beach car park c52.9651,1.0483

Norfolk 5.Tundra Bean Geese Weybourne still off Mill Lane in field NE of windmill mid morning with Pink-footed Geese (+18.Russian White-fronted Geese still) c52.9454,1.1481

Norfolk Hawfinch Lynford Arboretum still in tunnel 200yds south of The Shepherd’s Baa c52.5142,0.6847

Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Whitlingham Ctry Park still at Great Broad near duck feeding area at 12.25pm +1w.Caspian Gull still c52.6219,1.3297

Norfolk 6.Shorelarks NE of Old Hunstanton still on shingle ridge c52.9606,0.5107

Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv NE of Old Hunstanton still on shingle ridge c52.9653,0.5150

Norfolk 6.Velvet Scoters Titchwell RSPB still offshore c52.9738,0.6055. male.Hen Harrier flew south over Patsy’s Pool c52.9644,0.6092

Norfolk 10.Bewick’s Swans (all ads) Ingham still north of Palling Road in field east of Long Lane c52.7852,1.5428

Norfolk 2.Bewick’s Swans y’day Haddiscoe Marshes c52.5249,1.6123

Norfolk 2+Tundra Bean Geese Weybourne still off Mill Lane in field NE of windmill at 9am with Pink-footed Geese (+2+Russian White-fronted Geese still) c52.9454,1.1481