Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
27th January 2025

Common Toad
A windy but milder day at the Observatory today. A Common Toad was on the path this morning, the first that has been spotted this year.
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe reported Snettisham RSPB c52.8480,0.4483
Norfolk 7.Tundra Bean Geese Martham still in field by A149 /B1152 junction viewed from by Martham Paw Ground mid a’noon c52.6951,1.6069
Norfolk PALLID HARRIER ad.fem Warham Greens again off north end of Garden Drove at 2.03pm c52.9588,0.8914. Park at 52.9520,0.8920 on concrete pad 1/3ml north of A149
Norfolk 2.Russian White-fronted Geese just north of King’s Lynn still opposite Bespak from A1078 Edward Benefer Way in field with Pink-footed Geese c52.7730,0.4078
Norfolk 10.Bewick’s Swans (all ads) Ingham in field north of Palling Road +east of Ingham Road 52.7837,1.5462
Norfolk Water Pipit Titchwell RSPB still on freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Welney WWT still 12.06pm c52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk c50.Snow Buntings NE of Old Hunstanton briefly this morning c52.9617,0.5116
Norfolk Green-winged Teal drk Holkham Freshmarsh still west of north end of Lady Anne’s Drive at 1.25pm c52.9662,0.8129
Norfolk 22+Lesser White-fronted Geese (7.colour-ringed from Swedish reintroduction scheme) Snettisham Coastal Park still at Ken Hill Marshes c52.8762,0.4535
Norfolk 2.Russian White-fronted Geese (both ads) Northrepps still at Hungry Hill c52.9063,1.3494
Norfolk 3.Tundra Bean Geese Weybourne again in field by A149 layby at 11.28am with Pink-footed Geese c52.9454,1.1481
Norfolk Glossy Ibis ad just west of Stiffkey still on flood south of A149 opposite The Red Lion pub at 11.08am. Park at Greenway; don’t park along A149 c52.9510,0.9255
Norfolk Tundra Bean Goose 1ml south of Titchwell at Choseley in field at drying barns with 3,500.Pink-footed Geese c52.9472,0.6150
Norfolk 6+Velvet Scoters Titchwell RSPB still on sea +Long-tailed Duck still c52.9738,0.6055
Norfolk 2.Velvet Scoters Hopton-on-Sea still on sea off Beach Road c52.5362,1.7378
Norfolk 2+Tundra Bean Geese Weybourne still in field by A149 layby at 9.33am with Pink-footed Geese c52.9454,1.1481
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Whitlingham Ctry Park still at Great Broad near duck feeding area at 9.10am +1w.Caspian Gull still c52.6217,1.3260
Norfolk 6.Shorelarks NE of Old Hunstanton still on beach on shingle ridge c52.9606,0.5107
Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv NE of Old Hunstanton still on beach at 8.29am c52.9653,0.5150
Norfolk 177.Russian White-fronted Geese y’day Cantley Marshes RSPB still c52.5802,1.5077
Norfolk 3.Russian White-fronted Geese y’day Postwick Marshes c52.62,1.3908