Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
16th October 2024

The second day of south easterlies brought more thrushes with 389 Redwing, 129 Song Thrush, 95 Blackbird, 1 Mistle Thrush and at least 4 Ring Ouzel recorded early on. Alongside them were a vocal Yellow-browed Warbler in the NWT car park, 2+ Firecrest (one in front of Richardson Hide being chased by a Goldcrest, and the other viewable on a pine tree then later on the Yew tree from the public footpath through the pines). A Woodcock shot through the pines in front of Richardson Hide early in the afternoon and 2 Jack Snipe were also seen from the NWT hides. Three Brambling and 1 Scaup on the Broadwater were also seen.
In the moth traps today were 4 Large Underwing, 1 Lesser Yellow Underwing, 1 White Point, 5 Narrow-winged Grey and 1 Lunar Underwing. Peacock, Red Admiral, Brimstone and Large White were seen today along with Migrant Hawker and Common Darter.
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holme NWT in car park by sycamores at 2.30pm c52.9747,0.5511
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Stiffkey in Campsite Wood +Ring Ouzel 500yds east of Campsite Wood in scrub by coastpath. Park at Stiffkey saltmarshes car park 52.9567,0.9237
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines still east of Joe Jordan Hide mid a’noon c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Common Rosefinch Holme Dunes NWT flew east over forestry at 3.02pm c52.9749,0.5518
Norfolk 2.Y-br.Wblrs Titchwell RSPB at East Trail hedge at 12.35pm +Ring Ouzel c52.9640,0.6043
Norfolk Caspian Gull 2w Cromer on groyne west of pier late morning 52.9339,1.3014
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Beeston Bump +Short-eared Owl 52.9389,1.2312
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holme Dunes still this a’noon in pay +display car park in hedge opposite public toilets c52.9737,0.5510
Norfolk 2.Y-br.Wblrs Wells Woods this morning c52.9729,0.8416
Norfolk 1+Velvet Scoter Cley still on sea off beach car park c52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Ring Ouzel Holme Dunes NOA by Richardson Hide at 11.32am c52.9749,0.5518
Norfolk Richard’s Pipit south of Beeston Bump in field 52.9389,1.2312
Norfolk 2.Snow Geese (both ad white morphs) flew over Burnham Overy Staithe at 11.32am with Pink-footed Geese 52.9427,0.7607
Norfolk Ring Ouzel Holme Dunes NWT in pine then flew east at 9.30am c52.9749,0.5518
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines still at west end c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk 2.Snow Geese (both ad white morphs) north of Burnham Thorpe in field NW of junction at 11.01am tho distant with Pink-footed Geese 52.9427,0.7607
Norfolk 2.Snow Geese (both ad white morphs) Holkham Freshmarsh still 10.33am viewed from 1st dune west of Holkham Pines with Pink-footed Geese c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk American Golden Plover ad Breydon Water still at Lumps at 10.20am tho mobile c52.6065,1.6858
Norfolk 2.Snow Geese (both white morphs) Holkham Freshmarsh still 10.10am near Joe Jordan Hide with Pink-footed Geese c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk 2.Snow Geese (both white morphs) flew east over Holkham Pines at 9.35am with Pink-footed Geese c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr 1ml east of Cley still at Walsey Hills NOA in willows at SW end of footpath at 9.45am +Siberian Chiffchaff still c52.9541,1.0676
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Bishop Hide at 9.45am 52.9560,1.0583
Norfolk 1+Y-br.Wblr Titchwell RSPB still at tank road at 8.10am c52.9640,0.6043
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Northrepps in garden c52.9041,1.3372
Norfolk Cley Bird Club +North Norfolk Group NWT meeting tomorrow 7.30pm at Cley Village Hall featuring Harry Ewing ‘Curlews in Breckland: conserving the UKs most threatened breeding wader’. Entry £3. Doors open 7pm. Refreshments provided
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Wells Woods by harbour near concrete blocks at 8.11am c52.9729,0.8416
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines still 150yds west of Lookout at 8.05am c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Hawfinch flew SW over Strumpshaw Fen RSPB at 7.45am 52.6073,1.4414
Norfolk Black-throated Diver y’day Titchwell RSPB on sea 52.9631,0.6053