Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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4th October 2024

Norfolk Ornithologists Association - NOA

A Yellow-browed Warbler was in the NOA car park early morning and a Treecreeper in the dunes was unusual. Twenty-two Cattle Egrets were at Thornham, and on the sea 3 Eider, 118 Common Scoter, 3 Red-throated Divers, 4 Gannets, 5 Great Crested Grebes and 3 Sandwich Terns were recorded. Other birds of note included a Greenshank, 133 Pink-feet, 20+ Bearded Tits, Willow Warbler, Lesser Whitethroat, 3 Redwings, a Redstart, 2 Rock Pipits, 3 Bramblings and 4 Siskins.

In the moth traps 8 Large Wainscots, 8 Large Yellow Underwings, 3 Beaded Chestnuts, 23 Lunar Underwings, a Red-green Carpet, a Rusty-dot Pearl and a Feathered Ranunculus were caught.

Butterflies included Comma, Brimstone, Wall and Speckled Wood

Norfolk Bluethroat Salthouse again c3.20pm east of Beach Road near bridge c52.9544,1.0966
Norfolk Wood Warbler Wells Woods still 2.25pm in NE corner of The Dell c52.9729,0.8416
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Great Yarmouth at Caister Road Cemetery at 2.30pm c52.6332,1.7284
Norfolk Wood Warbler Wells Woods still 11.15am on north side of The Dell c52.9729,0.8416
Norfolk 2.Y-br.Wblrs Winterton North Dunes c52.7279,1.6883
Norfolk no further sign of Bluethroat Salthouse west of Beach Road by main cut by 2.11pm c52.9544,1.0966
Norfolk Barred Warbler Wells Woods on west side of The Dell at 11.40am c52.9729,0.8416
Norfolk Bluethroat Salthouse still west of Beach Road by main cut at 10am c52.9544,1.0966
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Snettisham RSPB by caravan park at 9.46am tho mobile 52.8502,0.4458
Norfolk Wood Warbler Wells Woods still in birches on NE side of The Dell at 9.50am +Y-br.Wblr still 52.9729,0.8429
Norfolk 5.Y-br.Wblrs Holkham Pines at west end c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holme NOA by car park at 8.32am 52.9737,0.5510
Norfolk Little Gull Buckenham Marshes RSPB 52.5862,1.4776
Norfolk Snow Bunting Titchwell RSPB on beach by dunes at 7.25am c52.9644,0.6092
Norfolk 2.Y-br.Wblrs Holkham Pines still near Joe Jordan Hide c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk no sign of Radde’s Warbler Holkham Pines west of crosstracks south of track near entrance to Bluetail Trail