Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
19th September 2024

Pied Flycatcher Seamus Griffin
Pied Flycatcher Seamus Griffin
A few migrants were arriving today with Pied Flycatcher (photo by Seamus Griffin) and Redstart ringed on the reserve and 2 Spotted Flycatchers in the NWt car park. A Hawfinch flew east over Thornham harbour and four Wheatears were in the area. Around the Broadwater a Green Sandpiper, 2 Snipe and 7 Black-tailed Godwits were counted, and a Kingfisher was of interest.
In the moth traps a White Point, 4 Large Yellow Underwings, 2 Square-spot Rustics, a Setaceous Hebrew Character, Deep-brown Dart and a Pale Mottled Willow were caught.
Wall Brown, Speckled Wood, Red Admiral and Large White were also recorded.
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Salthouse in sallows at Meadow Lane c52.9509,1.0984
Norfolk Sooty S’water flew east past Weybourne Camp 8.05am-10am +1w.Caspian Gull c52.9495,1.1293
Norfolk no further sign of ad.American Golden Plover Titchwell RSPB on Freshmarsh by 12.40pm c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk 2.Y-br.Wblrs Holkham Pines in sycamores near Joe Jordan Hide early a’noon c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines near Joe Jordan Hide with tit flock (+3.Pied Flys) c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk American Golden Plover ad Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide late morning 52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk Little Stint juv Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh c52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk Hawfinch flew east over Thornham c52.963,0.5819
Norfolk Pied Fly Holme NOA trapped +ringed