Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
1st September 2024

An arrival of migrants during the day saw a Greenish Warbler showing on and off n the silver birch opposite the Richardson hide, and a range of migrants counted in the recording area including 4+ Redstarts, 9 Wheatears, 10+ Pied Flycatchers and 2 Whinchats. A White-rumped Sandpiper was showing from NWT hide 3. Also of interest were a Garganey, 10 Spoonbills, 4 Common Sandpipers, 2 Greenshank and 3 Snipe.
In the moth traps 2 Broad Bordered Yellow Underwings, a Fern, 7 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 4 Vine’s Rustics, a White Point, 7 Flounced Rustics, 2 Common Wainscots, 4 Small Square Spots, 2 Smoky Wainscots, 4 Square-spot Rustics, 6 Archer’s Darts, a Small Blood Vein, 3 Large Yellow Underwings, a Turnip, 2 Flame Shoulders, a White-line Dart and a Pale Mottled Willow were caught.
Norfolk Pied Fly Warham Greens in copse at north end of Garden Drove at 2.30pm. Pied Fly in quarry 300yds east of Garden Drove c52.9531,0.8957
Norfolk GREENISH WARBLER Holme NOA still 2.30pm in birch opposite Richardson Hide c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk 3.Pied Flys 2/3ml NW of Stiffkey in Campsite Wood at 2.25pm. From A149 Wells Road take Green Way +park at end +take path thru wood NR23 1QF 52.9567,0.9237
Norfolk THRUSH NIGHTINGALE Blakeney Point between Halfway House +The Hood mid a’noon tho mobile c52.9728,1.0107
Norfolk Pied Fly Snettisham Coastal Park at Ken Hill Marshes c1ml from car park in burnt area between coastal path +bank c52.8838,0.4620
Norfolk GREENISH WARBLER Holme NOA still 2pm in birch opposite Richardson Hide c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk no further sign of Greenish Warbler Holme NOA by Richardson Hide by 1.55pm c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk Pied Fly Waxham c52.7685,1.6359
Norfolk 6.Pied Flys Holme NOA c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk Long-tailed Skua juv flew past Sea Palling at c6.48am c52.7889,1.6028
Norfolk Little Stint Holme NOA still c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk GREENISH WARBLER Holme NOA by Richardson Hide at 12.05pm c52.9743,0.5541
Norfolk WHITE-RUMPED SAND ad Titchwell RSPB still 1.10pm on Freshmarsh from Island Hide 52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk Gannet Ten Mile Bank still on River Great Ouse NW of sailing club c52.5471,0.3636
Norfolk Wryneck Blakeney Point in Plantation (+Pied Fly) 52.9752,0.9757
Norfolk Pied Fly Holme Dunes NWT in pines west of visitor centre c52.9742,0.5525
Norfolk WHITE-RUMPED SANDPIPER ad Holme Dunes NWT again from hide c52.9743,0.5518
Norfolk 3+Pied Flys Holkham Pines c52.9707,0.7967
Norfolk Pied Fly Salthouse still at Gramborough Hill c52.9541,1.1044
Norfolk 5.Curlew Sands Blakeney Harbour c52.9555,1.0179
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys Wells Woods c52.9734,0.8389
Norfolk Caspian Gull juv y’day Walcott on beach in evng c52.8414,1.5017
Norfolk Pied Fly Winterton at north end of north dunes in wood just south of reserve sign c52.7279,1.6883
Norfolk Pec Sand ad Hickling Broad NWT still 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh from 1st platform c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk Caspian Gull 1s Gorleston on beach c52.5716,1.7356
Norfolk Pied Fly 1ml east of Cley +south of A149 trapped +ringed at Walsey Hills NOA c52.9546,1.0668
Norfolk Pied Fly Sea Palling off The Marrams at The Acre c52.7936,1.5938
Norfolk WHITE-RUMPED SAND ad Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh from Island Hide (+2.Little Stints Curlew Sand) 52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk 2.Long-tailed Skuas y’day flew west past Sheringham in evng (+juv.Black Tern 6.Caspian Gulls (1s +5.juvs) c52.9447,1.2226
Norfolk Sooty S’water y’day flew east past Cromer in morning c52.9339,1.3014
Norfolk Little Stint y’day Titchwell RSPB on Freshmarsh from Island Hide +Caspian Gull Turtle Dove 52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk Caspian Gull juv y’day Norwich again at Heigham Waterworks Resr in evng