Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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16th August 2024

Puss Moth, David Bratt

Highlights today were 10 Spoonbills and 2 Great White Egrets on the Broadwater, and a Green Sandpiper also of interest. 32 Redshank and 19 Black-tailed Godwits were also recorded today.

Moths today included a Puss Moth which was rather late for the time of year, a Green Carpet, 2 Garden Tigers, 7 Straw Dots, a Mouse Moth, 4 Yellow Tails, 2 Sharp-angled Peacocks, 8 Dingy Footmen, 12 Archer’s Darts, 4 Shuttle-shaped Darts, 2 Rosy Rustics, 4 Scarce Footmen, 7 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 5 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwings, 7 Large Yellow Underwings, 5 Common Wainscots, 3 Drinkers, a White Point, a Tree-lichen Beauty, 5 Turnips, a Fern, 14 Flame Shoulders, a Square-spot Rustic, 2 Smoky Wainscots, a Pebble Hook-tip, Six-striped Rustic, Gold Spot, Pale Mottled Willow, 2 Straw Underwings, a Small Square Spot and 3 Flounced Rustics.

A male Emperor Dragonfly was busy around the pond and a female Wasp Spider was also present.

Norfolk 3.Wood Sands Cley NWT on Simmonds’ Scrape c52.9591,1.0553. 2.Wood Sands Pat’s Pool 52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk 2.Garganey Hickling Broad NWT still 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk 3.Garganey Potter Heigham Marshes. Use car park at Lathams (£8.50 per day) NR29 5JE 52.7104,1.5797
Norfolk 2.Little Stints Cley NWT still from Bishop Hide +2.Wood Sands still 52.9560,1.0583
Norfolk Little Stint Hickling Broad NWT still 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk Red-throated Diver Buckenham Marshes RSPB still on River Yare between fishermen’s car park +The Beauchamp Arms c52.5872,1.4681
Norfolk 5.Wood Sands Dickleburgh Moor NR still c52.4040,1.1952. Park off Norwich Road opposite Orchard Farm 52.4059,1.1909 IP21 4NS
Norfolk 2+Caspian Gulls (both juvs) Cromer still on beach east of pier c52.9339,1.3014
Norfolk presumed escaped Black-winged Stilt Titchwell RSPB on Freshmarsh from Island Hide 52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk Garganey Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still from Tower Hide