Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
21st July 2024

Marbled Clover
On the sea today a single Common Scoter, Fulmar and Gannet, 3 Arctic Skuas, a Little Tern, 60 Sandwich and 4 Common Terns were recorded, with 7 Spoonbills, 3 Whimbrel, and 3 Common Sandpipers all of interest.
It was busy in the moth traps today, with 2 Poplar Hawks, 5 Brown Tails, 3 Willow Ermines, an Elder Pearl, 7 Garden Tigers,37 Ruby Tigers, a Shaded Broad-bar, 2 Common Carpets, 10 Common Footmen, a Least Carpet, 4 Dingy Footmen, 26 Rustics, 4 Rosy Footmen, a Least Yellow Underwing, 2 Small Waved Umbers, 9 Scarce Footmen, an Archer’s Dart, 5 Large Yellow Underwings, a Dark Arches, 6 Uncertains, a Mouse Moth, 4 Kent Black Arches, 5 Drinkers, a Brown-line Bright-eye, 2 Small Fanfooted Waves, 5 Fen Wainscots, 3 Yellow Tails, 2 Oak Eggars, a Mother of Pearl, a Sharp-angled Peacock, 5 Cloaked Minors, a Lyme Grass, Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing, 2 Common Rustics, Silver Y, 2 Ear sp., a Round-winged Muslin, a Marbled Clove, Lesser Yellow Underwing, Single Dotted Wave, and 2 further Bedstraw Hawk Moth cocoons hatched today.
Butterflies included Small Copper, Small Skipper, Wall, Gatekeeper and Meadow Brown. A Ruddy Darter and Southern Hawker were near the Obs centre.
Norfolk Curlew Sand Cley NWT at Arnold’s Marsh at 12.42pm c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Breydon Water still (+34.Spoonbills) c52.6148,1.7117
Norfolk Garganey Cley NWT on Pat’s Pool at 11.10am 52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT from Babcock Hide at 10.32am c52.9552,1.0758
Norfolk Wood Sand Welney WWT on Lady Fen from visitor centre +3.Garganey c52.5271,0.2790
Norfolk probable Bonaparte’s Gull flew west past Cley NWT at 9.45am c52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Black Tern flew west past Cley NWT c52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Temminck’s Stint Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool at 7.59am 52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk Curlew Sand ad Cley NWT still on Simmonds’s Scrape