Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
8th July 2024

Garden Tiger Shannon Clifford
On the sea today 36 Sandwich Terns and a Common Tern were counted and 2 Med Gulls flew west over the dunes, 9 Spoonbills were on the Broadwater and a Barn Owl was recorded.
In the moth traps 2 Riband Waves, 3 Scarce Footmen, 24 Common Footmen, 2 Rustics, a Dwarf Cream Wave, 2 Heart & Clubs, 2 Mottled Rustics, a Garden Tiger (pictured), 2 Large Yellow Underwings, a Fen Wainscot, Poplar Hawk Moth, Vine’s Rustic, a Buff Ermine, and a Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing were caught.
Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Meadow Brown and Essex Skipper were among the butterflies seen.
Norfolk 2.Ospreys Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still from Fen Hide at 9.24am c52.6065,1.4558
Norfolk Bee-eater flew south over Eccles on Sea at 8.26am [heard only]