Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
30th June 2024

Grasshopper Warbler
Thirteen Spoonbills were on the Broadwater again today, with 12 Sand Martins, 2 Bearded Tits and 2 Grasshopper Warblers were also noted.
A big haul in the moth traps included 20 Cinnabars, 9 Rosy Footmen, 2 Privet Hawks, 3 Willow Beauties, 6 Haworth’s Pugs, 10 Common Footmen, a Small Emerald, a Sharp-angled Peacock, 4 Scarce Footmen, 2 Bee Moths, 2 Small Blood-veins, a Burnished Brass, a Pine Hawk, 3 Barred Yellows, 7 Barred Straws, 3 Heart & Clubs, 3 Mottled Rustics, 9 Large Yellow Underwings, 8 Uncertains, a Kent Black Arches, 3 Rustics, 2 Sand Darts, 11 Single Dotted Waves, a Dark Arches, a Fern, a Spectacle, a Treble Brown-spot, Striped Wainscot, 2 Round-winged Muslins, a Riband Wave, a Lyme Grass, a Lychnis, a Fen Wainscot, a Dwarf Cream Wave and a Brown Rustic.
Norfolk 2.Wood Sands Denver Sluice still at Tallymore Farm NR at 2.26pm c52.5837,0.3420
Norfolk probable Hooded Crow Winterton-on-Sea in dunes then flew towards village at 1.53pm c52.7179,1.6982
Norfolk Black Tern Cley Marshes c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Long-tailed Skua ad Cley NWT off beach car park at 1.05pm 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at 12.20pm +2.Osprey again c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED STILT Snettisham Coastal Park still at Ken Hill Marshes at 11.30am (+3.Little Gulls 3.Spotted Redshanks) c52.8838,0.4620
Norfolk Little Gulls (all 1s) Cley Marshes at 11.06am c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Titchwell RSPB on Volunteer Marsh at 9.01am