Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
18th June 2024

Broad Bordered Bee Hawkmoth Shannon Clifford 18th June 24
Five Spoonbills were on the Broadwater today with 3 Common Terns, 15 Sandwich Terns, 2 Med Gulls, 2 Lesser Whitethroats, 3 Whitethroats and single Redpoll and Siskin also seen. A Tawny Owl was caught during routine mist netting.
In the moth traps today a Treble Brown Spot, 3 Bordered Whites, 3 Barred Yellows, a Rosy Footman, Brimstone, Common Pug, 3 Mottled Rustics, a Small Dusty Wave, 10 Cinnabars, 4 Large Yellow Underwings, a White Point, a Small Elephant Hawk, an Uncertain, an Eyed Hawk Moth, Heart & Club, Brown Rustic and Vine’s Rustic were caught.
In the day a Broad-bordered Bee Hawk-Moth was feeding at Viper’s Bugloss flowers near the Observatory centre.
Norfolk reported White-winged Black Tern y’day Snettisham Coastal Park at Ken Hill Marshes was a Feral Pigeon c52.8838,0.4620
Norfolk SAVI’S WARBLER singing Welney WWT still from Reedbed Hide at 8.52am +showing well. Reserve open until 8pm today 52.5259,0.2739
Norfolk 2.Garganey Welney WWT still c52.5271,0.2790
Norfolk Corncrake male singing Welney WWT still by A1101 layby [heard only]