Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
15th June 2024

White point
On the sea today 3 Fulmars, 3 Gannets, 14 Little Terns, 32 Sandwich Terns and 8 Common Terns were counted. Around the reserves 7 Spoonbills were on the Broadwater and a Green Sandpiper dropped in briefly. A flock of 85 Golden Plover was also of note, with 25 Swifts, a Lesser Whitethroat, and 2 Stonechats also of interest.
In the moth traps 2 Small Elephant Hawks, 7 Cinnabars, a Flame, a Vine’s Rustic, 2 Large Yellow Underwings, 2 White Points, 2 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, a Small Dusty Wave, Dark Arches, 2 Small Square Spots, a Flame Shoulder and a Middle-barred Minor were caught.
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT again at East Bank on Serpentine c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Osprey Itteringham flew north over Mannington Hall at 12.20pm c52.8425,1.1815
Norfolk Glossy Ibis ad Snettisham Coastal Park still at Ken Hill Marshes this morning (+Turtle Dove Little Gull) c52.8838,0.4620
Norfolk Corncrake male singing Welney WWT still audible from layby on A1101 c52.5271,0.2790
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT still at Arnold’s Marsh