Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
11th June 2024
On the sea today 4 Gannets and 11 Fulmars were passing west, and around the reserves 11 Spoonbills were moving to and fro, and 6 Little Terns, 2 Sandwich and 2 Common Terns were seen over the Broadwater.
In the moth traps 3 Cinnabars, a Poplar Hawk, a Cream Wave, 3 Mottled Rustics, an Angle Shades and a Silver Ground Carpet were caught.
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Welney WWT from Summer Walk c52.5271,0.2790
Norfolk 3.Garganey (2.drks) Welney WWT still this morning c52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Hickling Broad NWT c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at 12.50pm c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT still 12.45pm at Arnold’s Marsh c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT still this morning c52.9541,1.0644
Norfolk 2.Garganey (both drks) Welney WWT still 52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk Spoonbill y’day Buckenham Marshes RSPB