for as little as 14p per day.
21st May 2024
A quiet day on the reserve with a gentle northerly and fog. Highlights included 2 Cuckoo chasing each other and the conditions allowed ringing most of the day with 20 birds ringed. The highlight was the first juvenile Dunnock and Robin of the year to be ringed here at the obs.
In the moth trap today was 2 Common Marbled Carpet, 2 Light Brown Apple, 1 Cinnabar, 2 Treble Lines, 1 Silver Y, 1 Eudonia angustea, 1 Flame Shoulder, 1 Angle Shades, 1 Spectacle, 2 Common Wainscot and 1 White Ermine. One Four-spotted Chaser, 3 Wall Brown and 2 day flying Cinnabar were also seen.
Norfolk no further sign of Icterine Warbler Blakeney Point in Plantation by mid a’noon c52.9752,0.9757
Norfolk Marsh Warbler Blakeney Point c52.9771,0.9807
Norfolk Golden Oriole singing west of Weybourne still this a’noon just south of Muckleburgh Hill flew west by A149 52.9415,1.1264
Norfolk Garganey drk Hickling Broad NWT still c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at 12.39pm c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk Golden Oriole singing reported Muckleburgh Hill on west side briefly 52.9437,1.1217
Norfolk Icterine Warbler Blakeney Point in Plantation briefly 12.30pm c52.9752,0.9757
Norfolk Red-backed Shrike male Winterton North Dunes c52.7176,1.6962
Norfolk 2.Garganey (both drks) Thornham Harbour opposite Coal Barn on scrape viewed from sea wall c52.9667,0.5704
Norfolk Garganey drk 1ml ENE of Stiffkey +just north of A149 at Stiffkey Fen at 7.24am c52.9572,0.9599. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk Glossy Ibis 1w just east of Stiffkey still on flood south of A149 at 6.44am. Use A149 layby +walk west c52.9537,0.9439