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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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8th May 2024

Brown Argus

A quiet day for bird sightings but beautiful and sunny, with the highlight being two Brown Argus butterflies. A Whimbrel flew over the obs in the afternoon and up to 20 Swifts were seen foraging over the marsh from the obs.

In the moth traps today were 2 Treble Lines, 8 Muslin, 3 Northern Drab, 1 Chocolate Tip, 1 Pine Beauty, 2 Eudonia augustea, 3 Shuttle Shaped Dart, 1 Common Pug, 2 Flame Shoulder, 1 Light Brown Apple, 4 Green Carpet, 1 Fern, 2 Cinnabar and 1 Cochylichroa atricapitana. Three Green Longhorn moths were seen flying around the Lime tree. Other than the two Brown Argus, 1 Large White, 4 Orange Tip, 6 Wall Brown, 5 Green Hairstreak and 2 Peacock. Two Large Red Damselflies were also seen.


Norfolk Corncrake male singing y’day Welney WWT in morning 52.5278,0.2777

Norfolk 2.White Storks Glandford flew over CleySpy early a’noon c52.9315,1.0430

Norfolk 2.Common Cranes (both ads) flew north over Reepham at 1.16pm c52.7675,1.1206

Norfolk Glossy Ibis Cley NWT east of North Scrape onReedbed Scrape at 1.17pm c52.9602,1.0602

Norfolk RED-FOOTED FALCON fem Hickling Broad NWT again over Waggonhill at 12.40pm c52.7356,1.6076

Norfolk 2.White Storks flew west over Cley NWT at 11.46am c52.9536,1.0565

Norfolk 2.White Storks Norwich flew east over River Yare at A147 Carrow Bridge at 12.10pm 52.6211,1.3063

Norfolk 2.White Stork Blakeney flew SE over garage at 11.54am c52.9555,1.0179

Norfolk Common Scoter fem Pensthorpe Natural Park c52.8274,0.8873

Norfolk no sign of fem.Subalpine Warbler sp Blakeney Point midway between beach car park +Halfway House near wreck +tern hide by 7.35am c52.9694,1.0282

Norfolk Garganey drk y’day Hockwold Washes at 7pm c52.4504,0.5245