Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
30th March 2024

Willow Warbler
On the sea today 1200 Common Scoters, 13 Red-breasted Mergansers and a Red-throated Diver were the highlights. A flock of 70 Pink-feet were on the grazing marsh and the Ruddy Shelduck was seen again. A Great White Egret, single Black-tailed Godwit and Ruff were also of interest, together with a Willow Warbler singing near the Obs, 13 Chiffchaffs, 2 Blackcaps, a Brambling and at least 6 Siskins flying over calling.
In the moth traps 4 Clouded Drabs, 5 Hebrew Characters, a Red Chestnut and a Small Quaker were caught, and 4 Peacocks, 2 Brimstones and 2 Commas were also seen around the reserve.
Norfolk 6+Twite Salthouse still just west of north end of Iron Road c52.9547,1.0812
Norfolk Hen Harrier male flew east over Holkham Freshmarsh mid a’noon c52.9675,0.8150
Norfolk Garganey Welney WWT still c52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE 1w Blakeney Harbour again on west side at 12.45pm then flew north with c500.Dark-bellied Brent Geese c52.9606,1.0302
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Simmonds’ Scrape 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk RUSTIC BUNTING male 4.25mls SW of Fakenham again 1/2ml NW of Helhoughton by Broomsthorpe Road in hedge at cover crop at midday c52.8065,0.7598
Norfolk 6+Mealy Redpolls 4.25mls SW of Fakenham still 1/2ml NW of Helhoughton by Broomsthorpe Road at cover crop c52.8065,0.7598. Park on verge but don’t block gates
Norfolk no sign of male.Rustic Bunting 4.25mls SW of Fakenham 1/2ml NW of Helhoughton by Broomsthorpe Road at cover crop by 10.30am (but Tree Pipit) c52.8065,0.7598
Norfolk 5.Waxwings Pensthorpe Water Fowl Park in car park at 9.25am c52.8250,0.8881
Norfolk no sign of Great Grey Shrike 1ml NNW of Weeting east of Brandon Road off Firebreak.47 in clearfell just NE of Nelson’s Plantation c52.4855,0.6036. Keep out of clearfell
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail flew NE over Foulsham c52.7792,1.0176
Norfolk 4+Hawfinches Lynford Arboretum still at feeders 200yds south of The Shepherd’s Baa c52.5142,0.6847
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail y’day Rockland Broad