Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
18th March 2024

The Ruddy Shelduck was seen on the grazing marsh again and a Red-breasted Merganser was offshore, with a Greenshank, 224 Curlew, 22 Med Gulls, 12 Chiffchaffs and 6 Stonechats noted.
In the moth traps 5 Hebrew Characters and a Red Chestnut were caught.
Norfolk Swallow flew north over Caister this morning c52.6508,1.7334
Norfolk Garganey drk Hockwold Washes still c52.4504,0.5245
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE 1w Cley NWT still 1.23pm in Eye Field from beach car park with Dark-bellied Brent Geese c52.9645,1.0504
Norfolk 2.Short-eared Owls Winterton North Dunes late a’noon c52.7274,1.6908
Norfolk Lapland Bunting ENE of Weybourne still in stubble in 2nd field east of Coastguard Cottages at 11.25am tho mobile. Use Weybourne beach car park +walk east; keep to coast path 52.9463,1.1604
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE 1w Cley NWT again on North Scrape at 11.39am with Dark-bellied Brent Geese [currently no access to Daukes’s Hide complex] c52.9609,1.0574
Norfolk Little Ringed Plover Sculthorpe Moor NR late morning c52.8389,0.8192
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE 1w Blakeney Freshmarsh still off Blakeney Quay at 10.50am with Dark-bellied Brent Geese (+2.Pale-bellied Brent Geese) c52.9606,1.0302
Norfolk White-tailed Eagle Winterton at Somerton Gap over wood late morning c52.7360,1.6799
Norfolk White Stork south of Hemsby at Ormesby St.Margaret flew south over Nova Scotia Road at 9.10am c52.6684,1.6939
Norfolk 4.Hawfinches Lynford Arboretum still at feeders 200yds south of The Shepherd’s Baa from gate at 8.30am c52.5142,0.6847
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool near Daukes’s Hide 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk 2.Hen Harriers Titchwell RSPB c52.9644,0.6092
Norfolk Great Grey Shrike 1ml NNW of Weeting still east of Brandon Road off Firebreak.47 in clearfell just NE of Nelson’s Plantation at 8.26am c52.4855,0.6036. Keep out of clearfell
Norfolk Golden Pheasant reported y’day Wolferton on verge just north of A149/Folly Hill junction at 5pm 52.8240,0.4835. Keep to public rights of way