Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
22nd February 2024

Norfolk Ruddy Shelduck Beighton still north of Strumpshaw Road with Pink-footed Geese at midday c52.6052,1.5011
Norfolk White-tailed Eagle Holkham Freshmarsh still in tree west of north end of Lady Anne’s Drive c52.9671,0.8120
Norfolk 3+Snow Buntings Hunstanton south of ramp on beach by steps at 12.30pm c52.9443,0.4931
Norfolk Hawfinch Lynford Arboretum still at feeders 200yds south of The Shepherd’s Baa from gate c52.5142,0.6847
Norfolk Scaup 1w.drk Welney WWT still from main observatory 52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk Snow Bunting Salthouse east of north end of Iron Road c52.9547,1.0812
Norfolk Glaucous Gull imm y’day flew west past Sheringham at 8.41am tho distant (+fem.Long-tailed Duck flew west) 52.9459,1.2069