Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
12th February 2024

Brambling Ian Simons
There was no further sign of the Red-breasted Goose, but 1000+ Golden Plover were on the grazing marshes with a Stonechat, 77 Curlew, 2 Tawny Owls, a Cetti’s Warbler, and at Drove Orchards 2 Fieldfares, a Redwing and 2 Bramblings were of interest.
Norfolk 2.Smew (both redheads) Rollesby Broad still from The Waterside cafe hide at 2.45pm c52.6805,1.6380
Norfolk Green-winged Teal drk just east of Wells at North Point Pools this a’noon. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk BLACK SCOTER ad.drk Holkham Bay still 12.45pm on sea at Holkham Gap (+12.Velvet Scoters still) c52.9760,0.8124
Norfolk 20.Snow Buntings Snettisham RSPB still on beach at sailing club c52.8502,0.4458
Norfolk Water Pipit Titchwell RSPB still at Volunteer Marsh at 1.18pm +showing well c52.9644,0.6092
Norfolk BLACK SCOTER ad.drk reported Holkham Bay still on sea at Holkham Gap (+3.Velvet Scoters still) c52.9760,0.8124
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park till 1.25pm on Great Broad then flew high north c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Ormesby Broad north of A149 bridge at 1.40pm 52.6792,1.6426
Norfolk Twite Blakeney Freshmarsh still in NW corner on fence at 12.15pm c52.9606,1.0302
Norfolk Mealy Redpoll Thetford still at Nunnery Lakes Reserve on feeders from viewing platform at 8am 52.3958,0.7473
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park on Great Broad c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk no sign of drk.Green-winged Teal Burnham Overy at Overy Marshes by 9.45am (but male.Hen Harrier 6.Spoonbills) c52.9772,0.7587
Norfolk c20.Bewick’s Swans y’day east of Sutton in flooded field north of Stalham Road c52.7610,1.5564
Norfolk 26.Waxwings west of Norwich at Norwich Research Park by The Centrum at 10.30am c52.6222,1.2213. Park at Old Watton Road +walk
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Barton Broad still c52.7372,1.4978
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck ad.drk Snettisham RSPB still at south end of 3rd pit at 8.30am 52.8615,0.4472
Norfolk no sign of any Spoonbills SE of Norwich at Trowse Newton at Bracondale/ Whitlingham Lane junction in water meadow by St.Andrew’s Church