Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
19th January 2024
A drake Long-tailed Duck was showing well in Thornham Channel during the morning, and on the sea 24 Eider, 7 Red-breasted Mergansers, 6 Red-throated Divers, 19 Fulmars and 5 Great Crested Grebes were recorded. Also of note were a ring-tail Hen Harrier, a Greenshank near Gore Point, a pair of Stonechats just in front of the Observatoy and 2 Rock Pipits at Thornham Harbour.
Norfolk Snow Bunting Breydon Water along South Wall this morning +Short-eared Owl c52.6105,1.6975
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail flew SE over Brundall c52.6239,1.4355
Norfolk Water Pipit Titchwell RSPB still c52.9625,0.6073
Norfolk Black-necked Grebe Brancaster still in channel opposite west end of Scolt Head Island viewed from beach east of golf course c52.9800,0.6590
Norfolk Surf Scoter ad.drk Holkham Bay still c2.20pm on sea west of Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck ad.drk Snettisham RSPB still c52.8502,0.4458
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE Cley NWT again in Eye Field with Brent Geese at 1.22pm c52.9645,1.0504
Norfolk 30.Snow Buntings Snettisham RSPB still on beach c52.8502,0.4458
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park still 1.18pm on Great Broad c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk 3+Mealy Redpolls Whitlingham Ctry Park still at 1.18pm c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk Black-throated Diver juv Snettisham RSPB again flew onto southern end of middle lagoon between ice +causeway at 12.59pm c52.8538,0.4461
Norfolk 2.FERRUGINOUS DUCKS (ad.drk +fem) Filby Broad still at south side of broad from boardwalk. Use car park at west end of Filby Bridge NR29 3AE c52.6646,1.6383
Norfolk 3.Smew Filby Broad still on south side from boardwalk. Use car park at west end of Filby Bridge NR29 3AE c52.6636,1.6393
Norfolk c30.Velvet Scoters Holkham Bay still at Holkham Gap on sea +Long-tailed Duck just west of gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk Black Redstart male SE of Docking at Bagthorpe on roof of ‘Club.75’ building viewed from road at 12.16pm c52.8586 , 0.66582
Norfolk Smew redhead Thorpe St.Andrew still 12.10pm at Thorpe Marshes NR on main lake in far SE corner c52.6235,1.3516
Norfolk Hawfinch Lynford Arboretum still in paddocks at 10.42am 52.5103,0.6805
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park still 11.35am on Great Broad c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk reported probable Black-throated Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park on Great Broad east of island was a Great Northern Diver c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park on Great Broad west of island c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk 5.Scaup Holkham Bay still off Holkham Gap c52.9763,0.8215
Norfolk probable Black-throated Diver Whitlingham Ctry Park on Great Broad east of island c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk Black-throated Diver juv Snettisham RSPB still between most northerly pits tho mobile then flew north mid morning c52.8538,0.4461
Norfolk Bittern Whitlingham Ctry Park west of hide in reedbed viewed from south side of Great Broad at 10.15am c52.6223,1.3349
Norfolk Surf Scoter ad.drk Holkham Bay still on sea off Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk Ruddy Shelduck Cley NWT on Bull Marsh with Pink-footed Geese c52.9609,1.0506
Norfolk Red-throated Diver Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still between Pumphouse +Sandy Wall on River Yare at 9.38am c52.6057,1.4421
Norfolk Smew redhead Thorpe St.Andrew at Thorpe Marshes NR at far east end of broad at 9.35am c52.6235,1.3516
Norfolk no sign of any Hawfinches Lynford Arboretum in paddocks 52.5103,0.6805
Norfolk 7.Waxwings flew over Dersingham Bog