Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
13th January 2024

Waxwing Seamus Griffin
A Short-eared Owl was hunting the marsh briefly late morning and 2 Waxwings were near the car parks, moving off west.
Norfolk 14.Russian White-fronted Geese Holkham Freshmarsh still from near Joe Jordan Hide at 2.50pm c52.9661,0.7956
Norfolk Caspian Gull NW of Weeting in pig fields c52.4741,0.6137
Norfolk Mealy Redpoll reported Sculthorpe Moor NR with finch flock at 2.33pm c52.8389,0.8192
Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv Blakeney Harbour still 2.10pm at Stiffkey River mouth from sea wall tho distant (+Slav Grebe) c52.9689,0.9545
Norfolk 29+Snow Buntings Snettisham RSPB still on beach this morning c52.8502,0.4458
Norfolk 26.Waxwings west of Norwich still 1.45pm at Norwich Research Park by John Innes Centre c52.6222,1.2213. Park at Old Watton Road
Norfolk Slav Grebe Weybourne Camp on sea this morning then flew west +2.Velvet Scoters still c52.9495,1.1293
Norfolk Surf Scoter drk Holkham Bay still 1.07pm on sea west of Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk 80+Russian White-fronted Geese Holkham Freshmarsh still c52.9661,0.7956
Norfolk Black-necked Grebe Brancaster still in channel opposite west end of Scolt Head Island viewed from beach east of golf course c52.9800,0.6590
Norfolk Smew redhead Hickling Broad NWT still 12.15pm c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk Scaup 1w.drk Welney WWT still from main observatory 52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk Velvet Scoter Titchwell RSPB still on sea +Hen Harrier c52.9738,0.6057
Norfolk Surf Scoter drk Holkham Bay still midday on sea west of Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk 25.Waxwings west of Norwich still at Norwich Research Park by John Innes Centre late morning c52.6222,1.2213. Park at Old Watton Road
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail y’day Buxton Heath c52.7461,1.2151
Norfolk Glaucous Gull juv Blakeney Harbour still at Stiffkey River mouth at 11.40am c52.9689,0.9545
Norfolk Black-throated Diver y’day flew east past Sheringham in morning c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk Surf Scoter drk Holkham Bay still c11am at Holkham Gap on sea tho distant c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk 6.Snow Buntings Holme Dunes NWT still on beach between golf course +Gore Point c52.9741,0.5401
Norfolk 1+Shorelark Holkham Bay still east of Holkham Gap in roped-off area (+12.Velvet Scoters still offshore) 52.9763,0.8215
Norfolk 45+Twite Cley between West Bank +Blakeney Bank mid morning c52.9623,1.0465
Norfolk 2.Hen Harriers (1.male) Blakeney Freshmarsh at 8.45am +Short-eared Owl still c52.9606,1.0302
Norfolk Surf Scoter drk Holkham Bay at Holkham Gap on sea at 9.45am c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk Hawfinch Lynford Arboretum still in paddocks 52.5103,0.6805
Norfolk Smew redhead Hickling Broad NWT c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk 2.Hen Harriers (both males) Hickling Broad NWT again at Stubb Mill early morning +31+Russian White-fronted Geese 52.7413,1.6093. Use NWT car park 52.7421,1.5947 NR12 0BW; don’t park at Stubb Mill
Norfolk 25+Twite Cley still between West Bank +Blakeney bank at 8.35am