Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
7th December 2023

Norfolk PALLID HARRIER 2w.fem Warham Greens still 3.20pm at saltmarsh north of Garden Drove. Park on concrete pad 1/3ml north of A149; don’t block access 52.9592,0.8910 NR23 1QE
Norfolk 7.Waxwings Fakenham still at B+Q in car park at 3pm c52.8362,0.8696 NR21 8SN
Norfolk PALLID HARRIER 2w.fem just east of Wells again flew east over saltmarsh towards Warham Greens at 2.43pm. Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk 2.Little Auks Breydon Water on River Yare opposite Tesco at 2.37pm +showing well c52.6108,1.7179
Norfolk 12+Shorelarks Holkham Bay still east of Holkham Gap in roped-off area (+1+Snow Bunting still) 52.9763,0.8215
Norfolk Glossy Ibis juv just west of Stiffkey on flood south of A149 opposite Green Way c52.9510,0.9255
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail Warham Greens over saltmarsh mid a’noon. Park on concrete pad 1/3ml north of A149; don’t block access 52.9592,0.8910 NR23 1QE
Norfolk 20+Velvet Scoters Titchwell RSPB on sea this a’noon +2.drk.Long-tailed Ducks c52.9738,0.6057
Norfolk 5.Waxwings Fakenham still 1.20pm at B+Q in car park c52.8362,0.8696 NR21 8SN
Norfolk 4.Velvet Scoters Titchwell RSPB still on sea c52.9738,0.6057
Norfolk c15.Waxwings Norwich flew south over Avenue Road at c12.55pm c52.6262,1.2737
Norfolk 15.Waxwings Norwich still at Havelock Road viewed from Denbigh Road by The Garden House at 10.28am c52.6286,1.2751
Norfolk Hen Harrier imm.male Thornham flew east over saltmarsh c52.9678,0.5709
Norfolk 5.Waxwings Fakenham still 10.30am at B+Q in car park c52.8362,0.8696 NR21 8SN
Norfolk 5.Waxwings Fakenham still at B+Q in car park above Big G’s Diner c52.8362,0.8696 NR21 8SN
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail between Honing +East Ruston flew north at 8.54am c 52.7979,1.4651
Norfolk 2.Waxwings Norwich flew over Newmarket Street c52.6218,1.2817
Norfolk 6.Waxwings y’day Holt still