Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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12th November 2023

Norfolk Ornithologists Association - NOA

On the sea today 14 Eider, 57 Common Scoters, 2 Velvet Scoters, 3 Red-breasted Mergansers, 2 Red-throated Divers, 2 Gannets and 5 Great Crested Grebes were seen. Also of interest were 300 Golden Plover, 80+ Lapwings, 12 Black-tailed Godwits, 2 Snipe and a Woodcock. A Chiffchaff was trapped and ringed.

NORFOLK NEWS FROM RARE BIRD ALERTNorfolk Hen Harrier ringtail Welney WWT flew south past Main Observatory at 3.10pm 52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk 3.Velvet Scoters flew east past Sheringham at 3.26pm c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk 16.Snow Buntings Eccles-on-Sea on beach c52.8088,1.5688
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still 3.15pm over church 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk Black-throated Diver Salthouse still 3.14pm east of north end of Iron Road moving slowly east. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk Purple Sand Sheringham below Sheringham Museum on rocks at 2.43pm c52.9455,1.2110
Norfolk Black-throated Diver Salthouse still 2.24pm west of north end of Iron Road moving slowly east. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still 2.17pm just west of church +showing well 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk 2.Bewick’s Swans flew south over Hunstanton early morning c52.9443,0.4931
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still 1.48pm over Bulmer Lane c52.7111,1.6983
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still 1.28pm c52.7111,1.6983
Norfolk Tundra Bean Goose Breydon Water on estuary from South Wall this morning (+2.Spotted Redshanks ringtail.Hen Harrier 3.Short-eared Owls) c52.6121,1.7156
Norfolk Black-throated Diver Cley c100yds east of end of East Bank on sea at 1.18pm +showing wel c52.9605,1.0650
Norfolk 7.Waxwings Wiveton still 12.15pm by The Wiveton Bell pub c52.9439,1.0383
Norfolk Great Northern Diver flew north past Gorleston at 12.30pm c52.5716,1.7356
Norfolk Scaup Welney WWT still c52.5282,0.2779
Norfolk 12.Shorelarks Holkham Bay east of Holkham Gap in roped off area at 12.44pm 52.9763,0.8215
Norfolk Black-throated Diver Cley flew off beach car park then flew east early a’noon 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Black-throated Diver Cley flew off beach car park 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still midday over dunes c52.7111,1.6983
Norfolk 16.Snow Buntings Titchwell RSPB flew west along beach c52.9748,0.5999
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE juv 1ml ENE of Stiffkey till late morning north of A149 just E of Stiffkey Fen on saltmarsh then flew off 52.9676,0.9626. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Titchwell RSPB on sea +2.Velvet Scoters c52.9629,0.6064
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still 11.40am over Poppy’s Tea Room c52.7156,1.6928
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton again briefly 11.25am just east of church 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Cley NWT on sea at 11.08am +showing well c52.9560,1.0583
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE juv 1ml ENE of Stiffkey still 11.13am just north of A149 just east of Stiffkey Fen on saltmarsh to north 52.9676,0.9626. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk 4.Velvet Scoters Holkham Bay on sea at Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk no further sign of Pallid Swift Winterton by 10.55am 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk 11.Shorelarks Holkham Bay east of Holkham Gap in roped off area at 10.41am 52.9763,0.8215
Norfolk 3.Snow Buntings Snettisham Coastal Park on beach east of Beach Road car park c52.8742,0.4462
Norfolk 6.Waxwings Sheringham at Holway Road near Cooper Road junction then flew NW at 8.20am 52.9338,1.2048
Norfolk Waxwing east of Attleborough at Bunwell briefly in garden at 10am c52.5012,1.1183
Norfolk 30.Snow Buntings Cley NWT on shingle behind Arnold’s Marsh c52.9603,1.0714
Norfolk Snow Bunting Holkham Bay at Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk Velvet Scoter Holkham Bay on sea at Holkham Gap c52.9787,0.8066
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE juv 1ml ENE of Stiffkey still 9.47am just north of A149 just east of Stiffkey Fen on saltmarsh to north 52.9676,0.9626. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk 5+Waxwings Wiveton still 9.38am by The Wiveton Bell pub NR25 7TL c52.9439,1.0383
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton again 9.32am over churchyard 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk RED-BREASTED GOOSE juv 1ml ENE of Stiffkey again just north of A149 north of Stiffkey Fen in harbour c52.9572,0.9599. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk PALLID SWIFT Winterton still over churchyard at 8.19am 52.7156,1.6870
Norfolk 6.Waxwings Wiveton still 8.18am by The Wiveton Bell pub NR25 7TL c52.9439,1.0383
Norfolk 4.Velvet Scoters Titchwell RSPB on sea at 7.44am +Great Northern Diver c52.9629,0.6064
Norfolk 6.Waxwings Wiveton still by The Wiveton Bell pub at 7.13am NR25 7TL