Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
3rd November 2023
On the sea today an Eider, single Long-tailed Duck, 57 Common Scoter, single Velvet Scoter, 2 Goldeneye, 4 Red-breasted Mergansers, 4 Red-throated Divers, 13 Gannets, 12 Great Crested Grebes, a Pom Skua, 4 Razorbills, single Sandwich and Arctic Terns, 22 Kittiwakes and 109 Little Gulls were recorded. Waders included 12 Black-tailed Godwits, a Greenshank and 80 Lapwings, with a Kingfisher also of interest and both Merlin and Peregrine hunting during the day. Four Rock Pipits, 3 Siskins and a Yellowhammer were also recorded.
Two Peacocks and a Red Admiral were still on the wing together with 10 Common Darters.
Norfolk 2+Black Redstarts Wells at lifeboat station mid a’noon 52.9729,0.8514
Norfolk Waxwing Glandford Ford at 2.15pm
Norfolk Black Redstart fem/1w.male Wells still at lifeboat station at 2.12pm 52.9729,0.8514
Norfolk Glossy Ibis just east of Wells flew east over North Point Pools at 2.04pm. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Glossy Ibis just east of Wells flew over North Point Pools at 2.03pm. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Great Northern Diver Sea Palling on sea. 22.Common Cranes in flooded field
Norfolk Waxwing south of Cley in wood east of Wiveton Bridge this a’noon
Norfolk PALLID HARRIER juv flew south over Waxham this morning c52.7785,1.6183
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck juv Salthouse still 12.47pm on pool west of north end of Beach Road c52.9541,1.1039
Norfolk Lapland Bunting Great Yarmouth at North Denes (+3.Snow Buntings) 52.6048,1.7369
Norfolk Pom Skua flew past Holme Dunes 10.30-11.30am (+Long-tailed Duck 14.Little Gulls Velvet Scoter)
Norfolk 7.Little Gulls Waxham in field west of dunes c52.7785,1.6183
Norfolk no sign of Glossy Ibis King’s Lynn on flood by Raby Avenue/ Edma Street junction at 10.28am 52.7608,0.4058
Norfolk Black Guillemot flew west past Sheringham 7.46-8.58am +2+Little Gulls 52.9447,1.2226
Norfolk Scaup flew south past Waxham +Little Gull
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck y’day Titchwell RSPB +Waxwing c52.9672,0.6048
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck juv Salthouse still on pool west of north end of Beach Road c52.9541,1.1039
Norfolk Glossy Ibis King’s Lynn again on flood by Raby Avenue/ Edma Street junction 52.7608,0.4058
Norfolk Pom Skua juv Cley fleweast past beach car park (+Great Northern Diver. 1w.Black Guillemot on sea west of boats) 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Glossy Ibis north of King’s Lynn flew south over Lynn Point at 7.10am