Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
26th October 2023
Another unsettled day with rain for much of the afternoon, highlights included 96 Brent Geese, 80 Common Scoter, a Red-breasted Merganser, 2 Red-throated Divers, a single Gannet, 8 Great Crested Grebes, an Arctic Skua, 3 Razorbills and a Common Tern offshore. Around the grazing marshes a Great White Egret and 11 Cattle Egrets were counted with 2 Snipe, a Black-tailed Godwit and a Greenshank also of note and Kingfisher, 4 Bearded Tits, 2 Blackcaps, 80 Blackbirds, 76 Fieldfares, 80 Redwings, 20 Robins, a male Redstart near the NWT hides, 3 Stonechats, 4 Rock Pipits, 3 Bramblings and a Siskin also seen.
In the moth traps a Scarce Bordered Straw, Large Wainscot and 2 Rusty-dot Pearls were caught.
Norfolk Black Redstart 1w Blakeney Harbour at north end at old wreck at 1.54pm c52.9606,1.0302
Norfolk 2.Water Pipits 1ml ENE of Stiffkey just north of A149 at Stiffkey Fen c52.9572,0.9599. Use A149 layby, walk east +take path north along W.side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck juv Salthouse west of north end of Beach Road on pool at midday +showing well c52.9541,1.1039
Norfolk Short-eared Owl Weybourne Camp flew in off sea 52.9514,1.1255
Norfolk Short-eared Owl y’day Breydon Water c52.6121,1.7156
Norfolk 30.Russian White-fronted Geese y’day Buckenham Marshes RSPB c52.5941,1.4653
Norfolk 6.Waxwings Thornham at Thornham Deli at 10.50am c52.9631,0.5806
Norfolk 2.Hen Harriers (both ringtails) Cley NWT over Pat’s Pool at 10.45am c52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk 2.Little Stints y’day Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk 5.Waxwings flew north over Heacham at c9.40am c52.9084,0.4910
Norfolk Snow Bunting y’day Cley NWT flew west behind Arnold’s Marsh c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Waxwing Burnham Overy near start of sea wall in hedge at 8.33am c52.9630,0.7474
Norfolk Scaup y’day Titchwell RSPB at Patsy’s Pool +Little Stint on Freshmarsh