Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
14th October 2023

Angle Shades
Highlights were mainly on the sea today with 103 Common Scoters, 27 Red-throated Divers, 109 Gannets, 13 Great Crested Grebes, 14 Pomarine Skuas, 5 Arctic Skuas, 11 Great Skuas, at least 1 juvenile Long-tailed Skua was lingering offshore, and a Razorbill, Sandwich Tern and Arctic Tern also seen. Other birds of interest were a Short-eared Owl at Thornham Harbour, 24 Cattle Egrets on the fresh marsh, 5 Rock Pipits and 4 Siskins passing overhead.
In the moth traps today 2 Beaded Chestnuts, 3 Large Yellow Underwings, 10 Large Wainscots, a Black Rustic, Lunar Underwing, Feathered Ranunculus and an Angle Shades were caught.
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Titchwell RSPB still 2.54pm in 2nd car park c52.9638,0.6063
Norfolk Little Stint Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk 3.Pom Skuas flew north past Eccles-on-Sea c52.8088,1.5688
Norfolk 14.Pom Skua flew west past Holme Dunes NWT 7.20am-2.30pm +juv.Long-tailed Skua lingering +showing well c52.9741,0.5401
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines behind Joe Jordan Hide 52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Pec Sand Titchwell RSPB briefly then flew west c52.9738,0.6055
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still 2pm at North Point Pools on east pool. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Green-winged Teal drk Pensthorpe Water Fowl Park from Wetland Hide this morning 52.8241,0.8819
Norfolk Pied Fly between Horsey Gap +Waxham Sands c52.7587,1.6502
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Titchwell RSPB still early a’noon in sallows in NE corner of 2nd car park c52.9638,0.6063
Norfolk Velvet Scoter drk Titchwell RSPB still offshore this morning c52.9738,0.6055
Norfolk Leach’s Petrel Cley NWT flew west past beach car park this morning +3.Roseate Terns 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Cory’s S’water reported flew east past Blakeney Point at c7.20am
Norfolk Russian White-fronted Goose ad Titchwell RSPB still on Freshmarsh c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk Red-necked Grebe Sheringham c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Titchwell RSPB still between visitor centre + Fen Hide with tit flock c52.9638,0.6063
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east pool. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Holkham Pines c200yds west of Meals House [heard only] c52.9713,0.7990
Norfolk Short-eared Owl Thornham
Norfolk 2.Pom Skuas flew west past Holkham Bay c52.9764,0.8087
Norfolk 2.Roseate Terns (ad +juv) Cley NWT again 10am flew west past beach car park c52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Grey Phal Cley NWT flew west past beach car park 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Hen Harrier ringtail Titchwell RSPB c52.9747,0.5917
Norfolk 5.Common Cranes NW of Great Cressingham flew west over A1065 at 9.26am c52.5909,0.6958
Norfolk Richard’s Pipit flew over Winterton
Norfolk Storm Petrel Cley NWT flew west past beach car park at 9.15am 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk 2.Roseate Terns (ad +juv) Cley NWT again flew past beach car park (+Red-necked Grebe Black Tern) c52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk 5.Common Cranes SE of Dereham flew west oevr Reymerston at 8.52am c52.6147,0.9838
Norfolk Pom Skua ad flew west past Holme Dunes NWT +2.Long-tailed Skuas flew east c52.9741,0.5401
Norfolk Sooty S’water Cley NWT flew west past beach car park at 8.36am 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Black-throated Diver reported Snettisham Coastal Park flew south over dunes c52.8744,0.4468
Norfolk Sooty S’water flew west past Sheringham at 8.05am