Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
1st October 2023
A group of 15 Cattle Egrets were on the grazing marsh south of the river Hun during the day.
On the sea today 350 Common Scoters, 10 Red-throated Divers, a Manx Shearwater, 20 Gannets, 4 Great Crested Grebes, 3 Arctic Skuas, 3 Razorbills and 4 Black Terns were of interest.
Other birds of note included 3 Great White Egrets, 81 Black-tailed Godwits, a Ruff, Green Sandpiper, a Greenshank, and a Spotted Flycatcher was in the pines but elusive.
In the moth traps today 8 Square Spot Rustics, a Large Wainscot, 15 Lunar Underwings, 6 Large Yellow Underwings, a Lesser Yellow Underwing, Beaded Chestnut, and a Feathered Ranunculus were caught. Two Humming-bird Hawk moths were on the wing during the day.
Norfolk 2.Curlew Sands Snettisham RSPB c52.8501,0.4458
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still 2.12pm on Simmonds’ Scrape from Daukes’ Hide 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk Curlew Sand Cley NWT still from Daukes’ Hide +Little Stint c52.9577,1.0545
Norfolk Caspian Gull Sheringham still c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk WILSON’S PHALAROPE 1w just east of Wells still 1.20pm at North Point Pools on east pool +showing well. Use small car park north of A149; do not obstruct main road 52.9513,0.8746 NR23 1QB
Norfolk 4.Black Terns flew east past Holme Dunes NWT 11.30am-12.45pm c52.9741,0.5401
Norfolk Curlew Sand Salthouse on pool east of Iron Road at 12.35pm. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk WILSON’S PHALAROPE 1w just east of Wells still early a’noon at North Point Pools on east pool. Use small car park north of A149; do not obstruct main road 52.9513,0.8746 NR23 1QB
Norfolk Wood Sand Titchwell RSPB on freshmarsh then flew west +Russian White-fronted Goose c52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk Glossy Ibis y’day flew east past Weybourne Camp 7.15-10.45am c52.9467,1.1483
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Daukes’ Hide at 10.45am (+ad.Little Gull still) 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk 2.Little Stints Snettisham RSPB c52.8501,0.4458
Norfolk Pom Skua flew past Sheringham (+Black Guillemot) c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk Pec Sand just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east pool. Use small car park north of A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk WILSON’S PHALAROPE 1w just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east pool. Use small car park north of A149; do not obstruct main road 52.9513,0.8746 NR23 1QB
Norfolk 2.Little Stints y’day Breydon Water