Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
23rd September 2023

Peregrine Dave Nurney
Seawatching highlights today were 711 Pink-feet, 78 Wigeon, 11 Pintail, 347 Common Scoter, 2 Red-breasted Mergansers west, 5 Red-throated Divers, 334 Gannets, 6 Great Crested Grebes, 3 Arctic and 2 Great Skuas, 4 Razorbills, 3 Guillemots, 6 Sandwich Terns and 5 Arctic Terns. Other species of note included 3 Spoonbills, a Water Rail, 2 Greenshank, 2 Short-eared Owls and a Peregrine.
In the moth traps today a Canary Shouldered Thorn, 9 Square-spot Rustics, 2 Deep Brown Darts, a Willow Beauty, 24 Lunar Underwings, 2 Vine’s Rustics, 30 Large Yellow Underwings, 3 Large Wainscots, a Pale Mottled Willow, 2 Flounced Rustics, a Box Moth, Rush Veneer, Lesser Yellow Underwing, 3 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 2 Black Rustics, 2 Broad Bordered Yellow Underwings, a White-line Dart and a Feathered Ranunculus were caught.
Norfolk Black Guillemot off Kelling beach at 2.11pm 52.9557,1.1183
Norfolk EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL 1w Salthouse till 1.25pm just south of Little Eye then flew west (+Little Stint flew west) c52.9560,1.0925
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still c1.45pm at North Point Pools on pool east of track (+juv.Little Stint still). Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk EASTERN YELLOW WAGTAIL 1w Salthouse still 1.17pm just south of Little Eye c52.9560,1.0925
Norfolk possible Eastern Yellow Wagtail Salthouse just south of Little Eye c52.9560,1.0925
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on pool west of track (+Little Stint still). Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Pied Fly Titchwell RSPB at east end of car park at 12.25pm c52.9629,0.6064
Norfolk 3.Little Stints Cley NWT still from Daukes’ Hide c52.9577,1.0545
Norfolk Caspian Gull 1w Cley off beach car park