Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
20th September 2023
Far from ideal conditions today with the wind and rain, though reported species included a Merlin over the Grazing Marsh, 18 Spoonbills in Thornham Harbour, at least 12 Snipe and a Great White Egret.
Norfolk 8.Spoonbills Thornham Harbour in main channel at 4.24pm 52.9667,0.5704
Norfolk Caspian Gull 1w Cley NWT on sea c52.9591,1.0553
Norfolk Spotted Redshank Titchwell RSPB still in Volunteer Marsh at 1.31pm c52.9702,0.6075
Norfolk 3.Little Stints Cley NWT +2.Curlew Sands c52.9591,1.0553
Norfolk Balearic S’water Cley flew west past beach car park at 1.28pm 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk 2.Little Stints Cley NWT from Daukes’ Hide at 12.43pm +Curlew Sand c52.9591,1.0553
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still late morning at North Point Pools on pool west of track. Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Bishop’s Hide at 11.02am 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on pool west of track. Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Y-br.Wblr Titchwell RSPB in car park near picnic site at 9.30am c52.9629,0.6064
Norfolk Cory’s S’water Cley flew west past beach car park at 9.47am 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk Cory’s or Great S’water flew west past West Runton at 7.46am tho distant c52.9413,1.2492