Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
16th September 2023

Black Rustic
Highlights today were 60 Common Scoter, 5 Red-throated Divers, a Fulmar, Manx Shearwater, 120 Gannets, 2 Shags, 45 Great Crested Grebes, 9 Arctic Skuas, 45 Razorbills, 18 Sandwich Terns, 7 Common Terns, 4 Arctic Terns and 3 Kittiwakes all seen at sea. Also of interest were a Water Rail, Common Sandpiper, 3 Kingfishers and a Peregrine.
In the moth traps 7 Vine’s Rustics, a Small Dusty Wave, Brimstone, 2 Smoky Wainscots, 28 Large Yellow Underwings, 17 Square-spot Rustics, 2 Lunar Underwings, 3 Rusty Dot Pearls, 2 Archer’s Darts, 5 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, a White Point, Large Wainscot, Black Rustic, Centre-barred Sallow, 2 Flounced Rustics, 3 White-lined Darts, a Turnip and a Humming-bird Hawk Moth were noted.
Norfolk Little Stint Salthouse west of Iron Road on Swan Lake at 3.05pm. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still mid a’noon at North Point Pools on west pool (+Little Stint still). Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still this a’noon on Pat’s Pool from Bishop’s Hide 52.9563,1.0582
Norfolk probable Richard’s Pipit Welney WWT from main observatory briefly then lost to view 52.5278,0.2775
Norfolk 3.Scaup reported Winterton South Dunes c52.7111,1.6983
Norfolk 4.Curlew Sands Snettisham RSPB +5.Turtle Doves c52.8697,0.4487
Norfolk TAWNY PIPIT Happisburgh 300yds south of lighthouse flew inland over fields at 11.20am c52.8183,1.5376
Norfolk Little Stint just east of Wells at North Point Pools on west pool at 11am. Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Pec Sand juv just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on west pool at 10.30am. Park in small car park north off A149 52.9513,0.8746
Norfolk Caspian Gull Sheringham still on sea mid morning c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk possible Pom Skua flew east past Sheringham at c8.33am c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk Balearic S’water flew east past Cromer at 8.20am c52.9339,1.3014
Norfolk Balearic S’water flew east past Sheringham at c8.14am c52.9459,1.2069
Norfolk Balearic S’water Cley NWT flew east past beach car park at 7.57am 52.9651,1.0483
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Bishop’s Hide at 7.40am