Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
31st August 2023

On the sea today 20 Common Scoter, 9 Great Crested Grebes and 2 Arctic Skuas were noted. At Gore Point a Peregrine disturbed a flock of 300 Black-tailed Godwits, and on the NWT pools 8 Common Sandpipers and a Little Stint were present. A Swift passed through during the morning and a Kingfisher was around the Broadwater, with over 300 Swallows, 60 House Martins, 10+ Stonechats and 2 Yellow Wagtails also noted. A passage of Common Buzzards totalled at least 19 heading west in the middle of the day.
In the moth traps a Sharp-angled Peacock, 2 Small Square Spots, 2 Smoky Wainscots, 23 Large Yellow Underwings, a Frosted Orange, 10 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 14 Vine’s Rustics, 6 Turnip, 22 Archer’s Darts, a Gold Spot, 8 White-line Darts, a Silver Y, 3 Square Spot Rustics, 12 Flounced Rustics, 3 Dingy Footman, a Willow Beauty, Garden Carpet, Angle-barred Pug, Scarce Footman, Yellow Belle and Small Blood Vein were caught.
Butterflies included a Small Heath, Common Blue, Comma and Red Admiral. A Willow Emerald Damselfly was on the Obs pond.
Norfolk no further sign of Western Bonelli’s Warbler Holkham Pines west of Lady Anne’s Dive by main track between crosstracks +west end by 2.20pm c52.9729,0.7867
Norfolk 2+Curlew Sands Breydon Water at 12.42pm +4.Spotted Redshanks 10.Spoonbills c52.6121,1.7156
Norfolk Little Stint Cley NWT c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk 3.Curlew Sands (all juvs) Buckenham Marshes RSPB still on main pool by hide at 12.59pm 52.5941,1.4653
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still 12.46pm on Pat’s Pool from Bishop’s Hide +showing well 52.9579,1.0544
Norfolk WESTERN BONELLI’S WARBLER Holkham Pines west of Lady Anne’s Dive by main track between crosstracks +west end at midday tho elusive c52.9729,0.7867
Norfolk American Golden Plover ad Titchwell RSPB still on freshmarsh c52.9677,0.6075
Norfolk 22.Curlew Sands Cley NWT at 9.55am c52.9579,1.0545
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool 52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk 20.Spoonbills Snettisham RSPB early morning 52.8501,0.4458
Norfolk no sign of ad.American Golden Plover Titchwell RSPB (but Curlew Sand 22.Spoonbills) c52.9677,0.6075
Norfolk Spotted Redshank juv y’day King’s Lynn still on Hardwick flood lagoon c52.7398,0.4306. Park west of A149 roundabout +view from verge