Holme Bird Observatory

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Norfolk News from RARE BIRD ALERT
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20th August 2023

Marbled Beauty

On the sea a Common Scoter, 3 Great Crested Grebes, 2 Gannets, 2 Arctic Skuas, 2 Black Terns, 30 Sandwich, 20 Common and 10 Little Terns were counted. Waders included 2 Whimbrel flying over west, with 3 Common and single Green and Wood Sandpiper seen around the edge of the Broadwater together with 5 Snipe.

In the moth traps today a good selection of over 50 species included 2 Small Waved Umbers, a Small Blood-vein, 2 Lime-speck Pugs, a Poplar Hawk, 3 Garden Tigers, a Marbled Beauty (pictured), 4 Scarce Footmen, 5 Yellow-tails, a Dusky Sallow, 3 Cloaked Minors, 16 Vine’s Rustics, a Lychnis, 12 Archer’s Darts, 17 Shuttle-shaped Darts, 4 White Points, 16 Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwings, 11 Common Wainscots, a Swallow Prominent, Gold Swift, 3 Flame Shoulders, 24 Turnips, 7 Flounced Rustics, 39 Large Yellow Underwings, 5 Small Square Spots, 2 Straw Underwings, 19 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 4 Smoky Wainscots, 4 White-line Darts, 2 Rustics, a Latticed Heath, a Rosy Rustic, 4 Ruby Tigers, 4 Nutmegs, a Silky Wainscot, Mouse Moth, a Drinker, a Double-striped Pug, Rusty-dot Pearl, a Common Rustic, Silver Y, and a Coronet.

The sunny weather produced many butterflies including Brown Argus, Common Blue and Wall Brown. A Humming-bird Hawk Moth was feeding on the buddleias, and a Willow Emerald Damselfly was around the Obs pond.

Norfolk released White-tailed Eagle Holkham Freshmarsh opposite Joe Jordan Hide this a’noon c52.9639,0.8219
Norfolk Fea’s Petrel or Desertas Petrel flew west past Cromer at 7.35am 52.9337,1.2963
Norfolk Cattle Egret Hickling Broad NWT c1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh from 1st viewing platform c52.7399,1.6025
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still at Arnold’s Marsh at 11.16am c52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Black Tern Kelling flew past Kelling Hard at 9am 52.9521,1.1173
Norfolk 5.Black Terns flew west past Brancaster at 10.03am 52.9626,0.6431
Norfolk 3.Black Terns Titchwell RSPB at Thornham Point at high tide c52.9747,0.5917
Norfolk Garganey Welney WWT still +Spoonbill. 17.Common Cranes flew north over Lyle Hide c52.5282,0.2779
Norfolk Little Stint Cley NWT still 52.9579,1.0544
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys Great Yarmouth at cemetery at south end of north section 52.6142,1.7321
Norfolk 4.Black Terns Snettisham RSPB at 9.55am 52.8538,0.4461
Norfolk 6.Little Stints Snettisham RSPB at high tide +2.Curlew Sands 52.8538,0.4461
Norfolk 3.Wrynecks y’day Winterton Dunes NNR (+6.Pied Flys) c52.7167,1.6968
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills flew east over Sheringham +Cromer at 8.23am
Norfolk 8.Black Terns y’day flew past Kelling Quag at 8.35am