Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
18th August 2023
![Wood Sandpiper 1](https://noa.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Wood-Sandpiper-1.jpg)
Wood Sandpiper 1
Some migration was in evidence today, with 2 Whimbrel, a Little Stint, 4 Common Sandpipers, 2 Green Sandpipers, 3 Spotted Redshank, 2 Wood Sandpipers and 2 Snipe recorded on the NWT pools. Offshore 6 Gannets and 3 Arctic Skuas were recorded and 3 Pied Flycatchers, a Redstart, 6 Stonechats, a Wheatear and a Yellow Wagtail were noted.
In the moth traps a Shuttle-shaped Dart, 3 Garden Tigers, 3 Lime-speck Pugs, 2 Six-striped Rustics, a Nutmeg, 4 Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwings, 7 Turnips, 10 Large Yellow Underwings, a Flame Shoulder, 4 Scarce Footmen, a Common Wainscot, 2 Drinkers, 4 Vine’s Rustics, 4 Setaceous Hebreew Characters, a Common Rustic, 3 Straw Underwings, a Garden Carpet, 5 Archer’s Darts, a Rustic, a Square-spot Rustic, 7 Flounced Rustics, Garden Pebble, a Gold Swift, 2 Cloaked Minors, 2 White Points, a Dark Arches, Bright-line Brown-eye, Ruby Tiger, Yellow-tail and Southern Wainscot.
Norfolk Pom Skua ad.pale morph flew east past Weybourne Camp this morning c52.9497,1.1315
Norfolk Icterine Warbler Blakeney Point still 5pm by Lifeboat House in Lupins c52.9735,0.9734
Norfolk Icterine Warbler NE of Salthouse still 5.15pm at Gramborough Hill c52.9541,1.1039
Norfolk BOOTED WARBLER Blakeney Point still 5pm north of Plantation at east end of Great Sandy Low in brambles before final dunes 52.9769,0.9797
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys Titchwell RSPB at Thornham Point c52.9747,0.5917
Norfolk 2.Wood Sands Holme Dunes NWT from 1st hide +Little Stint c52.9733,0.5515
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys Sheringham in cemetery c52.9414,1.1940
Norfolk Pied Fly Winterton South Dunes still late a’noon in trees below Hermanus c52.7137,1.6961
Norfolk Wood Sand Titchwell RSPB on Freshmarsh. Pied Fly in dunes +2.Turtle Doves c52.9692,0.6069
Norfolk Icterine Warbler NE of Salthouse still 3.45pm at Gramborough Hill c52.9541,1.1039
Norfolk BOOTED WARBLER Blakeney Point still mid a’noon north of Plantation at east end of Great Sandy Low in brambles before final dunes 52.9771,0.9756
Norfolk Wood Sand juv Welney WWT +3.Garganey 52.5281,0.2771
Norfolk 5.Little Stints reported Burnham Overy Staithe at cockle path c52.9678,0.7488
Norfolk Dotterel juv Blakeney Point still 2.45pm on north side of shingle ridge north of Halfway House +showing well 52.9738,1.0108
Norfolk Dotterel Blakeney Point on shingle opposite Halfway House at 2.20pm 52.9738,1.0108
Norfolk Icterine Warbler NE of Salthouse at Gramborough Hill 52.9533,1.1041
Norfolk Icterine Warbler Blakeney Point by Lifeboat House at 1.34pm 52.9732,0.9741
Norfolk repeat: BOOTED WARBLER Blakeney Point north of Plantation at east end of Great Sandy Low in brambles before final dunes 1.10-1.40pm 52.9771,0.9756
Norfolk Caspian Gull imm Kelling Quag +Little Stint flew east 52.9492,1.1202
Norfolk BOOTED WARBLER Blakeney Point at Great Sandy Low at east end in isolated brambles just before final dunes 1.10-1.40pm 52.9771,0.9756
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Salthouse flew east at Gramborough Hill at 8.16am 52.9533,1.1041
Norfolk Little Stint Cley NWT east of East Bank on The Serpentine 52.9584,1.0663
Norfolk Pied Fly Wells Woods 52.9734,0.8389
Norfolk 2.Black Terns Cley c52.9653,1.0485
Norfolk Honey Buzzard male Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still from Reception Hide at midday 52.6065,1.4558 NR13 4HS
Norfolk 2.Little Stints (both juvs) Breydon Water at high tide +Spotted Redshank Spoonbill c52.6121,1.7156
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys Winterton Dunes NNR c52.7167,1.6968
Norfolk Night Heron 1s y’day Cantley beet factory again in fenced-off fishing area at 8.35pm then flew E (+4.Turnstone flew over). Sign-in at security upon arrival +follow path SE by River Yare. No other access NR13 3SH 52.5692,1.5281
Norfolk Curlew Sand ad Titchwell RSPB on freshmarsh from Parrinder Hide at 9.26am +Spotted Redshank 52.9692,0.6068
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER ad Cley NWT still east of East Bank at Arnold’s Marsh 52.9606,1.0651
Norfolk Wood Sand y’day Cantley flew east over beet factory at 7pm 52.5709,1.5326
Norfolk 2.Pied Flys y’day Blakeney Point