Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
14th August 2023

Garganey Holme NWT Seamus Griffin
On the sea today 3 Gannets, 15 Little Terns, 74 Sandwich Terns, 192 Common Terns and 2 Med Gulls. A Garganey was on the NWT pools and Waders included 36 Golden Plover, 19 Grey Plover, 2 Whimbrel, 30 Curlew, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, 22 Bar-tailed Godwits, a Green Sandpiper and 3 Snipe. Also of interest were a Kingfisher, Cetti’s Warbler, 5 Chiffchaffs, a Whinchat near Thornham Harbour, 4 Stonechats, a Tree Sparrow and 2 Yellow Wagtails.
The moth traps today produced 4 Scarce Footmen, 14 Shuttle-shaped Darts, 4 Drinkers, an Iron Prominent, 6 Garden Tigers, 8 Turnips, a Small Waved Umber, 3 Flounced Rustics, a Yellow-tail, 5 Lesser Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing, a Common Wainscot, 2 White Points, 3 Sharp-angled Peacocks, a Small Square-spot, 6 Archer’s Darts, 2 Flame Shoulders, 3 Setaceous Hebrew Characters, 2 Lime-speck Pugs, 5 Cloaked Minors, 2 Common Rustics, a Dark Arches, 6 Large Yellow Underwings, 2 Mouse Moths, 2 Rustics, 3 Nutmegs, a Sallow Kitten, Straw Underwing and White-line Dart.
Norfolk Honey Buzzard y’day flew NE over Marsham Heath c52.7676,1.2174
Norfolk Honey Buzzard Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still from Reception Hide at 11.20am 52.6065,1.4558 NR13 4HS
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still at Arnold’s Marsh