Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
3rd August 2023

sooty shearwater 2
A northerly airflow produced some good birds offshore with 27 Teal, 290 Common Scoter, a Red-throated Diver, 2 Great Crested Grebes, 15 Fulmars, a Manx Shearwater and a Sooty Shearwater east, 114 Gannets, 6 Arctic Skuas, 27 Kittiwakes, 326 Sandwich Terns, 18 Common Terns and 30 Little Terns. Also of note were 2 Spoonbills, 2 Black-tailed Godwits, a Greenshank, 2 Tawny Owls, and 3 Ravens east over the grazing marsh.
Highlights in the moth traps today were 8 Garden Tigers, 2 Ruby Tigers, a Lesser Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing, 2 Flame Shoulders, a Nutmeg, 4 Scarce Footmen, 5 Shuttle-shaped Darts, 5 Large Yellow Underwings, a Least Yellow Underwing, 8 Rustics, a Scalloped Oak, a Broad Bordered Yellow Underwing, a Common Rustic, Pebble Prominent, Least Carpet, a Cloaked Minor, Kent Black Arches and a Southern Wainscot.
Norfolk 3.Sooty S’waters flew past Cromer 5.15am-9.30am c52.9330,1.3017
Norfolk CASPIAN TERN (yellow ringed) ad Potter Heigham Marshes again at 12.55pm 52.7191,1.6079. Use car park at Lathams (£8.50 per day) NR29 5JE 52.7104,1.5797
Norfolk 3.Black Terns flew past Scratby this morning 52.6806,1.7212
Norfolk 3.Caspian Gulls Cley NWT at 11am: 1s +juv.on Pope’s Marsh 52.9588,1.0661, juv.on Pat’s Pool 52.9578,1.0558
Norfolk CASPIAN TERN (yellow ringed) ad Potter Heigham Marshes still at 11.15am then flew towards Hickling Broad 52.7191,1.6079. Use car park at Lathams (£8.50 per day) NR29 5JE 52.7104,1.5797
Norfolk Caspian Gull juv Cromer still east of pier on beach at 10.55am c52.9330,1.3017
Norfolk Sooty S’water flew past Waxham 52.7806,1.6223
Norfolk Caspian Gull Sheringham again on beach c52.9458,1.2110
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER y’day Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Teal Hide at 9pm