Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
19th July 2023
Three Spoonbills were on the Broadwater again early morning, with a Common Sandpiper appearing mid afternoon. A Grasshopper Warbler was heard reeling between NOA and NWT hides, and a Great Spotted Woodpecker was in the pines. A sea watch produced counts of 180 Sandwich, 6 Little and 3 Common Terns, 15 Gannets, 160 Common Scoter and an early Red-throated Diver. At least one Scarce Emerald Damselfly remained on the pond, and 2 Hummingbird Hawkmoths were also recorded.
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham still 2.48pm at sand quarry from viewpoint. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd jctn 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE flew east over West Somerton at 2.42pm
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills Welney WWT still from Main Observatory 52.5282,0.2779
Norfolk still no further sign of Black-winged Kite 1ml south of Horsey east of Horsey Road by 1.20pm. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk Spoonbill Buckenham Marshes RSPB still on pool by wind pump at 12.58pm 52.5869,1.4732
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham again 12.41pm at sand quarry from viewpoint. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd jctn 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ
Norfolk no further sign of Black-winged Kite 1ml south of Horsey east of Horsey Road by 12.28pm. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham till 8.12am at quarry from viewpoint but no further sign by 12.10pm [today only present 8am-8.12am]. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd jctn 7am-7pm 52.8943,1.3957
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey till 11.43am east of Horsey Road over Somerton Holmes Farm then flew south 52.7319,1.6563. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey still 11.39am east of Horsey Road over Somerton Holmes Farm 52.7319,1.6563. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE south of Horsey still 11.30am circling east over Horsey Mill NT. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey again 11.20am east of Horsey Road flew south over dunes tho distant. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey till 10.30am east of Horsey Road then flew north +no further sign of Black-winged Kite. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey still 10.25am east of Horsey Road. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE 1ml south of Horsey east of Horsey Road mid morning. Park at Horsey Mill NT +walk south 52.7333,1.6441 NR29 4EE
MEGA Norfolk BLACK-WINGED KITE Horsey again
Norfolk LESSER SCAUP drk 3.5mls WNW of Norwich still at Colney GPs on Lodge Pit viewable from top of Chapel Break Road from gate south of New Road tho elusive 52.6381,1.2093 NR5 9EZ
Norfolk 2.Wood Sands Cley NWT east of East Bank on The Serpentine 52.9584,1.0663. 3.Little Gulls Arnold’s Marsh. 2.Puffins on sea east of north end of East Bank +drifting east
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still on Simmonds’ Scrape from Daukes’ Hide 52.9579,1.0544
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham still at sand quarry on wires from viewpoint at 8am. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd jctn 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ
Norfolk 2.Little Stints (both ads) Snettisham RSPB pon The Wash at 6.27am on flowing tide c52.8605,0.4445