Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
6th July 2023

8c Least Carpet Crop
At sea today 114 Sandwich Terns were counted and 4 Spoonbills were on the Broadwater. A Bearded Tit was seen from the Car Park Hide, and a Blackcap, Lesser Whitethroat, 2 Whitethroats, 3 Sedge and 2 Reed Warblers were also counted. Four Red Kites drifted east over Thornham.
In the moth traps, a Buff Ermine, 18 Common Footmen, 4 Scarce Footmen, a Barred Yellow, 32 Garden Grass Veneers, 2 Sand Darts, 11 Rustics, 5 Mottled Rustics, a Cinnabar, 2 Dwarf Cream Waves, 2 Single Dotted Waves, 2 Smoky Wainscots, 2 Least Carpets (one pictured), 3 Haworth’s Pugs, 8 Uncertains, a White Point, a Brown Tail, Silver Y, Heart & Dart, 2 Barred Straws, a Sharp-angled Peacock, 2 Large Yellow Underwings, 6 Dark Arches, 2 Broad Bordered Yellow Underwings, and a Shore Wainscot.
Norfolk Long-eared Owl Strumpshaw Fen RSPB by Reception Hide 52.6064,1.4558 (for 2nd day)
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still 2.33pm at north end of Pat’s Pool 52.9575,1.0556
Norfolk 2.Spoonbills Welney WWT still 52.5282,0.2779
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham still 1pm in sand quarry from viewpoint. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd junction 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ
Norfolk Glossy Ibis Buckenham Marshes RSPB again on pool by wind pump at 12.40pm 52.5869,1.4732
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham still in sand quarry from viewpoint at 9.45am. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd junction 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool from Bishop’s Hide at 11.05am 52.9579,1.0544
Norfolk Quail male singing Bawburgh still in crop field SW of footpath briefly 10.20am 52.6295,1.1734
Norfolk LESSER SCAUP drk 3.5mls WNW of Norwich still at Colney GPs on Lodge Pit viewable from top of Chapel Break Road from gate south of New Road at 6.25am tho distant 52.6381,1.2093 NR5 9EZ
Norfolk report of Quail y’day Colney at John Innes Centre was erroneous 52.6224,1.2189
Norfolk Roseate Tern Cley flew west past beach car park at 10am 52.9653,1.0485
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER Cley NWT still on Pat’s Pool at 9.13am 52.9575,1.0556
Norfolk Quail y’day Colney at John Innes Centre