Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
27th June 2023
The moth traps were productive again overnight, with fifty species caught. This total included single Fen Wainscot, Small Emerald, Rosy Footman, Double Square Spot and Flame, plus three Sharp-angled Peacock and three Peppered Moth.
Norfolk Caspian Gull 1s Cromer still early a’noon
Norfolk Wood Sand Cley NWT still mid a’noon on Pat’s Pool +3.Little Gulls
Norfolk 2.Wood Sands Welney WWT from Main Observatory
Norfolk Scaup drk west of Norwich still at Colney GPs early a’noon. View thru gap in trees by bus stop at Chapel Break Road just south of Bendish Way NR5 9NW 52.6370,1.2125
Norfolk Wood Sand Cley NWT on Simmonds’ Scrape +2.Little Gulls
Norfolk CASPIAN TERN Hickling Broad NWT on Swim Coots at 10.50am. Access by NWT boat
Norfolk no sign of ad.American Golden Plover Cley NWT 1/3ml ESE of beach car park on North Scrape from screen at 9.40am 52.9628,1.0565
Norfolk Little Gull Salthouse at Iron Road
Norfolk Caspian Gull Cromer still mid morning
Norfolk 3.BEE-EATERS 1/2ml SE of Trimingham still in sand quarry from viewpoint. Park in designated field south of Gimingham Rd/ Mundesley Rd junction 7am-7pm +view only from viewpoint. £5 per person 52.8943,1.3957 NR11 8DZ