Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
11th June 2023

Highlights today were a female Redstart in the dunes and a Crossbill in the pines at the west end of the Observatory reserve.
In the moth traps 5 Cinnabars, 3 Green Oak Tortrix, a Bordered White, 2 Vine’s Rustics, a Heart & Dart, Poplar Hawk, 2 Mottled Rustics, a Willow Beauty, Brown Rustic, Middle-barred Minor, 2 Sand Darts, Lyme Grass, Turnip and Common Swift were caught.
Norfolk Stone Curlew West Runton still 2.35pm in beet field viewed from gate by A149 opposite Boulevard Road
Norfolk 2.Black Terns Blakeney Point off Halfway House at 11.50am
Norfolk Stone Curlew West Runton still 11.55am in beet field viewed from gate by A149 opposite Boulevard Road
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED STILT Hickling Broad NWT till late morning 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at east end then flew NE towards Horsey 52.7390,1.6021
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing Pensthorpe Water Fowl Park still by Starmoor Pit viewed from path by wildflower meadow 52.8195,0.8947. Open 10am-5pm, £14.95 non-members NR21 0LN
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED STILT Hickling Broad NWT again 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at east end at 10.50am 52.7390,1.6021
Norfolk Marsh Warbler singing Kelling still at north end of Kelling Water Meadow at start of track to beach at 9.37am
Norfolk Stone Curlew West Runton in beet field off Water Lane at 9.08am
Norfolk Hen Harrier male East Barsham flew NW over church at 9.06am
Norfolk BLACK-WINGED STILT Potter Heigham Marshes again 8.16am then flew north. Use car park at Lathams (£8.50 per day) NR29 5JE