for as little as 14p per day.
2nd June 2023

Moth day 2010
Moth day 2010
NOA will hold its regular program of events in 2023
these are:
Holme Village Gardens – Sunday 2nd July 2023 to take place in the garden of Eastgate Cottage where moth traps will be opened at midday and 1pm, with a display of moths and caterpillars.
Gardens are open between 11am and 5.30pm and a garden ‘passport’ is £5 per person.
Holme Bird Observatory Moth Day Saturday 15th July 2023 starting 10am at Holme Bird Observatory
Hempton Moth Day & Ringing Demonstration Saturday 29th July 2023 starting 10am at Hempton Marsh Reserve
Go Wild at Drove, Saturday 5th August 2023 at Drove Orchards on the A149 just to the west of Thornham starting 10am
NOA AGM, at 3pm on Saturday 2nd September 2023 in Holme Village Hall – all NOA members welcome and refreshments to follow