Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
30th May 2023

A rather quiet day, with a NNE wind not helping. A Barn Owl was hunting out on the marsh for most of the morning, seven Black-tailed Godwits were on the NWT pools and a flock of thirty or so Swifts spent sometime hawking insects over the Broadwater. Moth wise the traps held 2 Turnip, 3 Small Elephant Hawkmoth, 3 Bordered White, 2 Treble Lines, 4 Vines Rustic, 2 Heart and Dart, 2 Isotrias rectifasciana, and single Flame Shoulder, Brown Rustic, Mottled Rustic, Hebrew Character, Large Yellow Underwing and Notocelia cynosbatella.
for as little as 14p per day.
Norfolk harrier sp ringtail between Watton +Merton flew east mid a’noon
Norfolk 2.Garganey (1.drk) Blickling Hall Lake
Norfolk 2.Black Terns just north of West Somerton still 1.45pm east of Horsey Road on flood north of plantation but no sign at 2.05pm 52.7286,1.6520
Norfolk Russian White-fronted Goose flew west over Martham Broad at 12.25pm
Norfolk 2.Black Terns just north of West Somerton east of Horsey Road on flood north of plantation at 12.55pm 52.7286,1.6520
Norfolk Long-tailed Duck Weybourne
Norfolk Little Stint Salthouse still c11.30am west of Iron Road on Swan Lake. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing Pensthorpe Water Fowl Park still by Starmoor Pit viewed from path by wildflower meadow 52.8195,0.8947. Open 10am-5pm, £14.95 non-members NR21 0LN
Norfolk Rose-coloured Starling reported Aylsham at Orchard Lane NR11 6JR
Norfolk 2.BLACK-WINGED STILTS Potter Heigham Marshes still 8.45am. Use car park at Lathams (£8.50 per day) NR29 5JE
Norfolk FERRUGINOUS DUCK fem Hickling Broad NWT still 1/3ml ESE of visitor centre at Brendan’s Marsh at 7am 52.7390,1.6021
Norfolk 2.Temminck’s Stints just east of Wells still 9.50am at North Point Pools
Norfolk Garganey drk Welney on pool just east of A1101 briefly then flew off
Norfolk 2.Little Gulls y’day Buckenham Marshes RSPB. Grey Plover Cantley Marshes RSPB still
Norfolk 2.Little Gulls y’day Buckenham Marshes RSPB. Grey Plover Cantley Marshes RSPB still
Norfolk 2.Little Stints Salthouse still west of Iron Road on Swan Lake. Park in Salthouse village +walk west; don’t park by A149 c52.9556,1.0796
Norfolk 2.Temminck’s Stints just east of Wells still at North Point Pools on east side at 6.05am