Holme Bird Observatory
for as little as 14p per day.
25th May 2023

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Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still midday from Reception Hide tho elusive 52.6065,1.4558
Norfolk no further sign of fem.Red-backed Shrike Burnham Overy Dunes east of boardwalk by 12.30pm
Norfolk 2.Temminck’s Stints 1ml ENE of Stiffkey still just north of A149 at Stiffkey Fen 52.9553,0.9587. Use A149 layby, walk east +take footpath north along west side of River Stiffkey 52.9546,0.9512
Norfolk Temminck’s Stint Cley NWT still on Simmonds’ Scrape from Daukes’ Hide at 11.05am (+Little Stint still +2.Spoonbills still) 52.9579,1.0544
Norfolk Red-backed Shrike fem Burnham Overy Dunes still on fence east of boardwalk at 10.21am
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER singing Pensthorpe Water Fowl Park still by Starmoor Pit viewed from path by wildflower meadow 52.8195,0.8947. Open 10am-5pm, £14.95 non-members NR21 0LN
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER Strumpshaw Fen RSPB still 10am from Reception Hide
Norfolk GREAT REED WARBLER Strumpshaw Fen RSPB from Reception Hide at 6.25am
Norfolk 2.BLACK-WINGED STILTS Potter Heigham Marshes 52.7185,1.5995
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER 1s Burnham Overy till 8.20am just west of sea wall on mud by sluice then flew east with Black-tailed Godwits
Norfolk Spoonbill y’day Welney WWT at Lady Fen in evng
Norfolk LONG-BILLED DOWITCHER 1s Burnham Overy just west of sea wall on mud by sluice with Black-tailed Godwits
Norfolk 14.Glossy Ibises y’day Snettisham flew south over Beach Road at 12.30pm